
Majestic View of Sapa Countryside

Friday, January 14, 2011

Snake Meat

A group of about 11 of us went to have snake meat for lunch. There was no special occassion but someone decided to organize a snake meat lunch. Since I came to Vietnam, I've been asked many times whether I've eaten snakes. Eating snakes is not such a gross idea because some restaurants in Arizona serve rattlesnakes for appetizers. But, this seems to be a delicacy here in Vietnam.
We took a taxi about 45 minutes to the outskirt of Hanoi. This area has many restaurants serving snake meat.

Entrance to the restaurant, which is reached through some narrow streets and alleys.

A view of the courtyard of the bustling restaurant.

Members of the staff preparing the snakes for cooking.

We had a 12-course meal but not all were snake dishes. Here are 3 snake dishes, cooked in different ways. It came to about 250,000 dongs each, or about $12.50.

One of the dishes, which includes the skin. It's kind of chewy.

A dish of snake hearts, which no one ate.
Thank God.


  1. Hi Meng! Wow...what a different kind of cuisine. The dish with the skin was a little gnarly looking not to mention the hearts. How are you doing? I hope you are well. Is your daughter still visiting? These are great pictures and stories. You should write for a travel guide. Miss you. Take care. Dianna

  2. Hi Dianna,
    Cynthia is currently in Siem Reap, Cambodia. Then she goes to Luang Prabang, Laos, then visit me in Hanoi next week. After that we go to Singapore for Chinese New Year. Here is her blog:
    I am doing wonderful here. I have a lot of friends here who always want me to experience new things and show me around.
    How did you do in the marathon? I am sure you did great. Keep in touch!


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